...let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.
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Our church staff are available to answer your questions and provide any information about our church including Services, Ministries, Times, and Events
Remember God Loves you and so do WE!!!!
Pastor - Ellis Cross
Secretary - Judy Schaefer
Gail Justiss is the assistant Secretary
Sound and Technical - Kim Morr
Music Director - Gail Justiss
Piano and Organ: Dorothy Hines
Bass Guitar: Denise Cross
Electric Guitar: Sammy Brantley
Tamborine: Verdi Brantley
Drums: Gene Bigsby
Assistants: Steve Lane
Children & Youth Ministries -
Sunday Morning Children's Church ages 6 - 12: Karen Ray and helpers from Church
Nursery 0 to age 4 is provided. Kristen Pugh and helpers from Church
Wednesday night ages 0 - 12 Judy Schaefer, Denise Cross, Donna Huckaby
Youth and Teens: Kristen and Jerry Thompson
Bus Transportation - Gene Bigsby, Karen Ray, David Morr, Kim Morr
Our church offers free transportation to Sunday School/Church Service. Transportation is provided for the Wednesday night service too. Contact the church phone 863-494-3455 to make arrangements for pick up.